
It’s Pretty Amazing in Its Vibrant Colors.


If you haven’t noticed the Christmas cactus in our room, you should add that to your list of things to do before all of the flowers fade away. It’s pretty amazing in its vibrant colors. The children have been drawing and painting it. In this post you are looking at couple of completed works by the children. They’re also hanging on the small board opposite our classroom. These art treasures are worth spending some time in appreciation and study. The children who chose to take part in this art experience sketched the cactus first. Then they took their sketches to the easel and applied color. The children made decisions about what colors to use. Since we only keep three basic colors (red, yellow and blue) in stock, the children make needed colors through experimentation.

This project utilized these thinking skills:

  • Decision making
  • Drawing still life
  • Sketching
  • Painting
  • Making decisions about paint colors
  • Creating paint colors
  • Transferring cognitive ideas to visible paper creations
  • Estimating


  • Tomorrow is Wild Wilderness Wednesday
  • You should be receiving an email from Kerri, one of our room Moms either this evening or tomorrow. This email will contain a list of the Bitty Brown Bats and the secret holiday pal that they have chosen. Please remember that the idea behind this is that the children are showing kindness to this friend. We are asking that you help your child to make a very simple gift to give to their secret holiday pal. These gifts should be homemade and not store bought. They should be wrapped and labeled  (To: and From:).   Examples: a homemade card, a small piece of nature, a water color or tempera painting, a sketch, a message, etc. The children are great at this sort of thing. They do it all the time, every single day in our room. Follow their lead and suggestions. Please send these gifts in by Monday morning so we can assess who doesn’t have a gift. Thanks for being great sports about this. Keep reinforcing love and care. They know this. They’re good at this.

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